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Changes in the CALDAN Top Management

To secure the long-term success of CALDAN we have implemented the following changes in our top management as of January 1st, 2022:

Claus Nørgaard enters the role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Group after 4 years acting as Chief Operational Officer (COO). With the new title comes the ultimate responsibility for the leadership and the overall strategy of CALDAN, and the general cooperation and coordination with our Swedish owner, Axel Johnson International AB.

“I am looking forward to cooperating with my strong team of leaders and employees to take CALDAN to the next level in our plans and growth strategy. The most important thing to me is to ensure that the organization can navigate in the future, preserve agility, results and be an attractive workplace for future generations” , says Claus Nørgaard.

After having led and shaped CALDAN since 1994 Niels & Jens Calundan have decided to take up new roles as Sales Directors in the Group. With the new roles comes the responsibility for defining the overall sales strategy and securing its execution on our export markets, as well as the overall Key Account Management. “Taking this new step gives as us a unique opportunity to dedicate ourselves to our primary passion of sales, close customer contact and product innovation”, says Niels Calundan.
“We are convinced that this change will secure the culture in CALDAN, and at the same time bring continued growth and stability”, Jens Calundan adds.

The future Executive Board will consist of Jens & Niels Calundan and Claus Nørgaard. Furthermore, Jens & Niels Calundan will as shareholders maintain their positions in the Board of Directors of CALDAN.

Niels & Jens Calundan in the Production in DK

CALDAN Conveyor A/S • Roeddikvej 91 • DK-8464 Galten • DENMARK • Tel. +45 8694 7071 • Mail. cc(at)

Part of Axel Johnson International AB